Your Own Protection Bubble

Where modern science, psychological insights, and timeless spiritual truths come together


I thought I had proofed the 5/15 newsletter sufficiently while travelling.

I didn’t.  Dang.

My apologies that the pdf link didn’t work.

It’s a good thing that I had planned to cover it again in this newsletter. 😊

The Protection Visualization, or what I call the Protection Bubble (it will be obvious why) is a technique which has consistently helped folks to go through their day with greater peace and calm.

It helps you to stay connected to a Source of strength and love, while putting an energetic barrier between yourself and anxiety producing events. It will help to protect you from other people’s words, feelings, and energy.

Your Own Protection Bubble

Today’s video guides you in using the Protection Bubble for your own wellbeing.

The pdf provides the written directions, plus it shares with you an effective grounding visualization. Being grounded helps your energy system to be calm, instead of chaotic, and to keep your emotional balance.

Thoughtful Quotes From Others

"Protect your space, mindset and energy daily, so that you have the power to co-create with life's magic."

- Alexandra Elle

"Self-care is never a selfish act - it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to cherish and spend wisely."

- Parker Palmer

A Question to Ponder

How does your day seem different after using the Protection Bubble and/or Grounding Visualization?


Enjoy and be well,

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