Tools to Tame Anxiousness

Where modern science, psychological insights, and timeless spiritual truths come together

We are back home today.  Phew!

One benefit of travel is how much you can appreciate being back home, in your own bed, with a familiar pillow. 😊 The new memories are pretty good, too…

In the previous two newsletters, I suggested that much of the anxiousness we experience comes from living in a media environment heavily laced with fear and anger.  

So, what can we do about it?

Tools to Tame Anxiousness

In this video, I share actions that I and my students/clients have found helpful.  You will find resources to help you take action in the freebies section of our website.

In addition, I am including 2 more tools in the PDF below. The Protection Visualization is a really good one!

Daily Visualizations to Help you Feel Better.pdf283.98 KB • PDF File

What have you found to be helpful in reducing your own feelings of anxiousness?  Let me know via the info link at the bottom of the newsletter and I will share the results in a future newsletter.  Let’s crowdsource ways to feel more peace and serenity!

Thoughtful Quotes From Others

"Don't let your mind bully your body into believing it must carry the burden of its worries."

- Astrid Alauda

"You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do."

- Eleanor Roosevelt

A Question to Ponder

Which tool will you try today?


Be well,

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